
Game navigation and interfaces – User Interaction in games


Games use navigation in many forms to help engage the user into the game, somtimes this can be done too well and users lifes outside of the game become effected because they become fully immersed into the game.

Some media take this side of gaming and make fun of it inorder to show people that they really are obsessed with that game, a game that effect people like this is World of War Craft.

Games are rated by the user on the GUI before they even start playing and interacting with the game, but of all the menus is the HUD since this is the menu thats on screen the most so it needs to provide all the features and interactions the user expects while not blocking too much of the game off screen, Black and White tried to do this by having no HUD at all.

RPG's rely on lots of menus espcially games like Final Fantasy were the player has to interact with menus in order to do most tasks even down to fighting. While other games like Metroid prime and Mobile Suit Gundam Federation vs Zeon has high featured HUD'S as does World of War Craft but it aslo has keyboard shortcuts to skipt some menus.
